Wednesday, October 29, 2008

gas prices

Did you notice?

When gas prices jumped from $3 to $4 per gallon, prices for everything else went up (food, clothing, retail). All the companies justified the higher prices based on rising gas and transportation costs.

Now that the gas prices have dropped below $3 a gallon, why haven't the food and retail prices come down yet?

And I'll bet that if gas prices go up again, the costs of other products will go up again, regardless of the fact that they didn't first lower the prices when transportation costs came down.

I think the only reason why they are coming down now is because our U.S. Presidential candidates have been talking up drilling and alternative resources to reduce our dependence on foreign countries. Hey, OPEC doesn't have any dummies. They don't want to lose their cash cow (i.e. us!) any time soon.

So what happens when the political rhetoric ends and the campaign promises are gone? Prices will zoom up again if the U.S. does not act on all this talk. Of course, since prices have come down, there's suddenly less talk about this issue on the campaign trail...

Unfortunately, most voters care about issues that affect them only in the here and now, not in the long run and not necessarily what's best for everyone and for our country.

Here's hoping the prices stay under $3 per gallon.

And yes, my fingers are crossed!

1 comment:

The Blade is mightier than the pen! said...

Nice job on the blog! Concerning your question on the food prices not dropping, it's quite simple it is Bush's fault..... no just kidding. The farmers have been selling their corn to the oil companies for ethenoyl. This has created a shortage at the markets hence higher pricing. Basic laws of demand in play and another great liberal idea. As usual they lead with their emotions without thinking out what would happen.