Friday, October 31, 2008

Don't get disheartened!

I have to admit, I made a mistake.

My husband will probably chuckle at my rare revelation/confession.

I was curious about the electoral map since the most recent polls show McCain is getting closer to BO's numbers, so I checked it out. Mea Culpa! RealClearPolitics made it look like BO had already won the election, so why should anyone bother voting on Tuesday?

After I scraped my jaw off the floor, I called my conservative BFF (thanks for the boost Kath!) and then looked at how skewed some of these sources are. That cheered me up somewhat.

The next shocker: my mother, whom I consider to be an intelligent woman, told me that she is voting for Obama.

My mother is pro-life, so I naturally reminded her of BO's stance on that issue. She replied that there are more issues than just that one. (Pardon me while I scrape my jaw off the floor again.) The economy is all she is concerned with anymore.

Confirmation that the economy is the main issue on Americans' minds now: On Hannity and Colmes tonight, Governor Huckabee pointed out how the hotbed issues during the primaries (the Iraq war and illegal immigration) aren't even mentioned anymore. The economy is it. Period!

This is what the McCain camp should be hammering home. McCain's TV and radio ads have been incredibly weak so far. Many different fronts have been suggesting ads that conservatives should run to help sway the undecided.

(BTW, are there truly any undecideds out there? I don't know any of them.)

For those who still want to waste money pointing out the long-time alliances (not mere associations) that BO has formed with anti-Americans like Rev. Wright (to whom BO dedicated one of his books, calling Wright his "mentor of 20 years"), Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, etc., I say that it won't make a difference. It's been out there over and over again; if it hasn't mattered to people over these last few months, then it won't matter to them these last few days before the election.

For the most impact, these final ads should focus on BO's plan to allegedly "cut" taxes. Show Obama - in his own words - stumping for the state senate seat on the platform of cutting taxes, only to raise them once he got elected. Show him saying the same exact thing when he ran for the US Senate seat - and again raising taxes once in office. The bill he wrote and tried to push through in the scant 5 months he spent in the senate was the Global Poverty Act, which tried to tax Americans to redistribute the wealth around the world. Also, point out the campaign promises that he has already broken. Then ask, "Why should he keep his campaign promises this time?"

Don't give up. The polls are getting closer. And those skewed electoral maps are based on polls.

Plus no one has polled me, so I know the polls couldn't possibly be accurate. ;o)

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