Friday, October 31, 2008

Don't get disheartened!

I have to admit, I made a mistake.

My husband will probably chuckle at my rare revelation/confession.

I was curious about the electoral map since the most recent polls show McCain is getting closer to BO's numbers, so I checked it out. Mea Culpa! RealClearPolitics made it look like BO had already won the election, so why should anyone bother voting on Tuesday?

After I scraped my jaw off the floor, I called my conservative BFF (thanks for the boost Kath!) and then looked at how skewed some of these sources are. That cheered me up somewhat.

The next shocker: my mother, whom I consider to be an intelligent woman, told me that she is voting for Obama.

My mother is pro-life, so I naturally reminded her of BO's stance on that issue. She replied that there are more issues than just that one. (Pardon me while I scrape my jaw off the floor again.) The economy is all she is concerned with anymore.

Confirmation that the economy is the main issue on Americans' minds now: On Hannity and Colmes tonight, Governor Huckabee pointed out how the hotbed issues during the primaries (the Iraq war and illegal immigration) aren't even mentioned anymore. The economy is it. Period!

This is what the McCain camp should be hammering home. McCain's TV and radio ads have been incredibly weak so far. Many different fronts have been suggesting ads that conservatives should run to help sway the undecided.

(BTW, are there truly any undecideds out there? I don't know any of them.)

For those who still want to waste money pointing out the long-time alliances (not mere associations) that BO has formed with anti-Americans like Rev. Wright (to whom BO dedicated one of his books, calling Wright his "mentor of 20 years"), Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, etc., I say that it won't make a difference. It's been out there over and over again; if it hasn't mattered to people over these last few months, then it won't matter to them these last few days before the election.

For the most impact, these final ads should focus on BO's plan to allegedly "cut" taxes. Show Obama - in his own words - stumping for the state senate seat on the platform of cutting taxes, only to raise them once he got elected. Show him saying the same exact thing when he ran for the US Senate seat - and again raising taxes once in office. The bill he wrote and tried to push through in the scant 5 months he spent in the senate was the Global Poverty Act, which tried to tax Americans to redistribute the wealth around the world. Also, point out the campaign promises that he has already broken. Then ask, "Why should he keep his campaign promises this time?"

Don't give up. The polls are getting closer. And those skewed electoral maps are based on polls.

Plus no one has polled me, so I know the polls couldn't possibly be accurate. ;o)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

gas prices

Did you notice?

When gas prices jumped from $3 to $4 per gallon, prices for everything else went up (food, clothing, retail). All the companies justified the higher prices based on rising gas and transportation costs.

Now that the gas prices have dropped below $3 a gallon, why haven't the food and retail prices come down yet?

And I'll bet that if gas prices go up again, the costs of other products will go up again, regardless of the fact that they didn't first lower the prices when transportation costs came down.

I think the only reason why they are coming down now is because our U.S. Presidential candidates have been talking up drilling and alternative resources to reduce our dependence on foreign countries. Hey, OPEC doesn't have any dummies. They don't want to lose their cash cow (i.e. us!) any time soon.

So what happens when the political rhetoric ends and the campaign promises are gone? Prices will zoom up again if the U.S. does not act on all this talk. Of course, since prices have come down, there's suddenly less talk about this issue on the campaign trail...

Unfortunately, most voters care about issues that affect them only in the here and now, not in the long run and not necessarily what's best for everyone and for our country.

Here's hoping the prices stay under $3 per gallon.

And yes, my fingers are crossed!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wake up people!

Wake up people!

I know this is a heated political season, and that no politician is perfect, but remember that since they are all politicians, expect spin doctoring and phony promises. Don't listen to eloquent speeches and assume that campaign promises equate to action.

McCain has had virtually the same message and voting record in his 26 years in politics. He doesn't change his message to suit different audiences on different days.

I have to say that Barack Obama's commercials are convincing. Quite slick in fact. He sounds like he knows what middle-class Americans want to hear. In fact, he sounds conservative! But the ultra-liberal Obama only has to sound conservative in order to get the middle-class votes. After all, no one runs on a platform of raising taxes and making government larger (i.e. big government spending). At least, no politician says any of that on the campaign trail if he or she expects to get elected. That's political reality.

But will Obama actually keep any of his conservative-sounding promises once elected? Look at his voting records and already-broken campaign promises.

During the primaries, in a final push to beat Hillary Clinton, Obama ran ads looking the American people in the eye and swearing that "lobbyists will not be a part of my White House." Of course he had already received the second-highest payoff from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to keep regulators out of their affairs. We all know what happened with that. [McCain also took a payoff - albeit a smaller one - but is also disappointing to me.] Plus Obama hired two lobbyists to work on his campaign. So much for that "sincere" promise.

Didn't Obama also promise to accept only public financing for his campaign? Oops! Once he locked up the Democratic nomination, he didn't need to honor that promise any more.

Obama's pet project in his 143 days as a US Senator was the Global Poverty Act. He wants American taxpayers to pay more than we already do - to the tune of $2000 per man, woman, and child - in order to abolish poverty around the world. If you are in a family of four, do you have an extra $8000 to spare? Too bad. Cough it up - somehow. Even at $2000 per American, we could barely make a dent in "fixing" poverty around the world, so Obama's plan would cost more exponentially each year. Does the author of such a bill sound like someone who will "cut taxes" for almost everyone once he's in office? Do you think he no longer cares about his most beloved and socialist bill?

He claims he will "find" the money for all of his spending projects by ending the Iraq war on some arbitrary date - despite what our miltary leaders recommend, and despite that the surge has worked and our troops are already back to pre-surge levels and counting! If it were up to Obama, the U.N. (not the US) should lead all our missions. Pelosi, Reid and Obama all wanted to wave the white flag. The Iraq region has fragile stability and democracy, yet Obama wants to cut and run to appease some voters. The majority of military members are conservative and support John McCain as Commander-in-Chief. And the majority of servicemen and women are voting for McCain: not just because McCain has served in the military but because he knows what it's like to be a serviceman on the ground fighting, to know what it's like to be a military leader and make difficult decisions, and to know how the president's decisions affect both the country and our miltary families - firsthand!

Obama declared to Planned Parenthood that the first thing he would do as president would be to pass the Freedom of Choice Act, which is a misnomer since women actually lose freedoms with this act - especially information about abortions and post-operative risks and symptoms. This act would also force taxpayers to pay for all abortions. Think about it: the nurse at your child's school cannot administer Tylenol, but Obama wants the government to perform a medical procedure on your daughter without providing her with full disclosure on the risks and complications - and certainly without any parent's or guardian's knowledge or permission.

Every person running for the office of President must show 1) proof of age and 2) that he or she is a natural-born citizen. That's it. Sounds simple, huh? No one else has ever had trouble handing over a simple birth certificate. Unfortunately, Obama eventually came up with only a copy posted on his website; the copy has inconsistencies and omissions which suggest it is fraudulent. Lawsuits have cropped up across the US demanding a legal birth certificate. What does Obama do? He hires attorneys to find ways to have the cases dismissed. WHAT?!? Why not just provide it? What is wrong with this picture? Hours after Obama flies to Hawaii, the State of Hawaii declares his birth records "sealed"? What is going on with this man?

Wake up people! Is this the change you want?

People accuse W. of arrogance. Obama has shown true arrogance, from prematurely creating a presidential seal to his "world-tour" in order to look presidential to the world. Couple Obama's arrogance with his scary socialist agenda and he'll make even Jimmy Carter look like Ronald Reagan!

And ask yourselves this: Who would Osama bin Laden want you to vote for? There are hundreds, if not thousands of lunatics who wish the US harm because we are infidels. It takes only one whack-a-do to fly under the radar. Who is more likely to prevent another 9-11? Obama?

Let's all sing Kumbaya, people! Ahmadinejad, handle the harmony for us...