Sunday, November 8, 2009

After the Ft. Hood shooting, do you feel any safer?

When I heard about the shooting at Ft. Hood, my first thought was that the shooter was probably Islamic.

Then I heard the shooter's name: Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. The percentage of Islamic likelihood just skyrocketed.

The next day, news reports told us how Hasan shouted, “Allahu Akbar!” before opening fire on unarmed soldiers, killing 13 and wounding another 30.

Doug Giles--the man who helped expose ACORN for the scandalous, biased, taxpayer-funded organization that it is--wrote a piece called, "We Need an Ask and Tell Policy Regarding Jihadists in Our Military." He hit the nail on the head. Read it here:

I couldn't agree more. Why haven't we put such a policy in place already? It's simple--unfortunately, the military is not allowed to discriminate against anyone because of their race, religion, or nationality.

What gets me is that Islamists call it "The Religion of Peace." Really? How so? Anyone who does not worship the same way they do is called an infidel and considered worthy of death. Hmmm...why not let these radicals join our military, pay them, educate them, and give them weapons they can use against us? Makes sense, huh?

So if we can't discriminate against religious zealots who come to our country hating us and believing they have every right, "In the name of Allah," to kill us, how can we keep the weapons out of their hands if they enlist? Is there such a thing as a "peaceful" Islamist who want to join the U. S. armed services?

And if we could enact an Ask-and-Tell policy ("Are you a jihadist?") would they be truthful? Of course not.

Even scarier than the base shooting is the fact that the FBI knew this "U.S. officer" was posting threats on terrorists websites, but did nothing about it. This could have been prevented, much like the planned attack on Ft. Dix was thwarted during the previous administration's watch. So why didn't our current FBI intercept Hasan before the shooting? Why no reprimand? No court martial?

This is the new and improved FBI under the Obama administration.

Even after the shooting, Obama was indifferent about the incident and supposedly has no interest in viewing the Ft. Hood shooting as a terrorist act. Nor does he want any Americans to think that either, or link the shooter's religion with his craven act. (See Kevin McCullough's column, too:

Do you feel safer yet?

God help us. Allah sure won't.

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