Tuesday, November 18, 2008

teachers' conferences

It's that time of year again....

The crisp, fall air is turning colder, the whiff of Halloween chocolate is but a faint memory, Thanksgiving is just around the corner - and teachers' conferences have begun.

You know your child. You know his or her strengths and weaknesses, favorite and least-favorite subjects, interactions with peers, behavior issues, etc.

Or do you?

The most surprising comment at a teacher's conference: How respectful and polite your son or daughter is in school.

Yet you've seen Dr. Jeckyll become Mr. Hyde when it's time to start homework. Why is that?

Do you mean it's not normal to have your child freak out because he wants to do only 5 math problems instead of 20? Don't all children throw their pencil across the room, storm to their rooms, and slam the door because you told them to erase a mistake instead of writing over the wrong answer darker so you could tell which answer he meant to write? Or how about the child who cries for 10 minutes if she got one homework problem wrong?

Is it because the teacher is a different authority figure? Is it because our kids need to vent, and they know that if they vent in front of us, we'll still love them so it's okay to have a meltdown over homework?

Is it time to stuff the turkey yet? Please? Anyone? Anyone?

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