Sunday, September 6, 2009

Well, it's official: the glow of Obama's election has faded among the American people. His approval ratings are plummeting. Why? Hmmm....

Michelle Malkin went on The View (that ultra-liberal gossip fest, with one lone dissenter) and basically presented her argument that Obama voters are beginning to realize they've been sold "a bill of goods." He's no different than any other politician in DC, except now dirty Chicago politics are working their way into the already-shameful game played in DC. And Obama is appointing so many czars that do not have to answer to the American people. Scary people with even scarier views. One is even a self-proclaimed communist. Doesn't matter. They will be making major decisions that impact Americans.

The clip is great not only because Malkin brings up great points about the corruptness of the Obama administration (while maintaining a professional demeanor) but also because she shuts down Whoopi and Joy Behar. Usually guests on The View that don't agree politically with those two get attacked verbally and shouted down. Instead Whoopi and Joy try to defend Obama by slamming George W. in comparison (proof that Dems have nothing in their arsenal except the tiresome Bush bashing).

Obama and the Dems still have a majority in both the House and Senate. So why haven't they been able to pass "Health Reform" yet? Because Congress is seeing firsthand the anger people have over what Obama, Reid and Pelosi have rushed through so far. They're also upset that the Dems wanted to vote on a bill they hadn't even read (again!) while many Americans have problems with so many elements of the proposal. And we're getting conflicting answers to our questions.

The last thing we need is the government running yet one more thing.

There is not one government agency or program that is run effectively and cost-efficiently. [Read that last sentence a few times, then try to think of one that could counter that statement.]

Medicare and Social Security are on the verge of bankruptcy. We owe so much money to other countries already that we don't even know how much the interest is. How can we feasibly afford yet another monumental, costly government program?

If ObamaCare wanted true health care reform (instead of just financial control and more opportunities to line their backpockets), it would address the two biggest factors in rising health costs: prescription costs and lawsuits. Neither of these elements will be touched by "ObamaCare." There will be no savings to pay for the program.

If you really want the government to "fix" health care, just force all politicans to be in the same insurance plans that are offered to everyone else. Then maybe they'll create legislation that would actually be helpful to people who can't afford insurance, or who get turned down for coverage due to pre-existing conditions, etc. That's the only way politicians will fix anything--if it affects them directly.

There's a great bumper sticker out there: If you can't afford health insurance now, wait until it's "free"! Enough said.